
Turning ugly waste into abundant produce.



The amount, in dollars, of food wasted every year. To solve this problem, Ugli revolutionizes the way fresh produce is sold by local farmers. We link farmers and local restaurant owners to help farmers sell cosmetically imperfect ingredients or ingredients in high supply at a reduced price.


After viewing a curated list of nearby restaurants and the ingredients that each restaurant needs, farmers can reach out to local restaurants via our automated Twilio SMS system and strike deals with restaurant owners over text. In short, Ugli provides farmers with the connections they need to gain a customer base and make money selling their fresh produce, perfect or imperfect.



Ugli automatically scrapes the cuisines of nearby restaurants off the web and converts those cuisines into lists of likely ingredients that the restaurants need. Restaurant owners also have the option to input a picture of their menu, and our OCR algorithm converts that menu into a list of ingredients. Then they can sit back, relax, and wait for cheap produce to show up at their doorstep!
